The Side Saddle Association Areas & Map |
The United Kingdom is split into 16 areas and there is an additional area, Area 20 that covers the rest of the world.
The Council of the Side Saddle Association shall from time to time review the Register of Members to define
and name geographical Areas as may be appropriate.
The Side Saddle Association has strong links with Overseas Side Saddle Groups, these groups hold many events
where they welcome Members of the Side Saddle Association to join them.
The Council permits Area Committees to be formed within those Areas which shall represent through their respective
Chairmen at the Meetings of the Council the interests of the Members who have elected to belong within those Areas.
The Constitutions and Rules of Area Committees, and the Area Objectives, Standing Orders and Terms of Reference,
shall be defined in a separate form of agreement between each Area Committee and the Side Saddle Association and
shall not form a part of the Constitution of the Side Saddle Association.
New Members and existing Members may at any time
nominate the Area to which they wish to belong which need not be
the Area in which they reside. The Council may alter the boundaries of Areas for the better conduct of the
affairs of the Association and where it appears appropriate may revoke the licence of an Area Committee.
The following Areas have had a change of Area Officers:
AREA 1: Claire Newlands has retired as joint Area Chairman and Fiona Mackinnon has been elected as Area Chairman
The Side Saddle Association would like to thank all retiring Officers for their hard work and support to their Area and give a warm welcome to all new Officers
Area 1 |
Ms Fiona Mackinnon
07855 763475 |
Area 2 |
Miss Sarah Frank |
07340 069651/ 01642 714034 |
Area 4
Miss Dale Atkinson |
01638 552320 |
Area 5
Mrs. Ginny Oakley Pope |
01908 543353 |
Area 6
Mrs. Anne Dolbey Jones |
01291 680126 |
Area 7
Miss Abigail Pearce |
07966 278864
Mrs Heather Noad |
01454 411201/ 07801 448659
Area 8
Mrs Angela Wells |
01959 532191 |
Area 9
Mr Steve McGill |
07590 030876 |
Area 10
Miss Sarah Hislam |
01202 394707 |
Area 11
Mrs Amy Bryan-Dowell |
01663 742354 |
Area 12
Miss Emma Brown
07771 984823
Area 14
Miss Emma Harford |
01285 740155 |
Area 16
Mrs Caroline Hobson |
01404 849267 |
Area 18
Mrs. Catherine Marchbank |
01772 601169 |
Area 19
Mrs Glynis Hughs |
07543 873156 |
Area 20
Mrs Ann Sadler |
01435 812966 07890 541624 |
Area 21
Ms Megan Hamill |
07742 219067 |
We would like to thank you all for attending the 2024 National Side
Saddle Show organised by the NSSSG. We look
forward to welcoming competitors back in 2025
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The Side Saddle Association aims to encourage and promote the practice of riding side saddle.
There are a number of categories of membership and application may be made online
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The Association offers a wide variety of classes, to suit all standards
of rider and horse/pony to encourage and give all side saddle riders the
opportunity to participate in a range of disciplines
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